Email Templates for SME

Latest updates in SME to enable you to “Run a Better Service Business” 
We hate double entry at High 5 Software so we found another way to eliminate double entry using Email Bodies or Templates.  Now available in the latest version SME you can configure automatic text for each of your emails in almost any module.  The email templates are super smart allowing you to pull in any data from the record or from your login.  Here is an example email template configuration for our support invoices:Dear %BillContact%
Enclosed is your invoice for High 5 Software support, products or services.
The balance on this invoice is %Balance%
We accept multiple payment methods;* Please send $US check payment to: High 5 Software, PO Box 82525, Kenmore, WA 98028
* For Credit card or ACH/e-check payment please scan/email payment information back to, fax to 888-415-0927, or call 800-585-1696 x101
Thanks for your business!
Fax:  800-415-0927
Email: %Login.EmailAdd%Each of the %xxx% fields are filled in based on the data in the record or your login information.  For an invoice for $1000 to Tony at company High 5 Software from Mark Stair, the email template looks like this:Dear Tony Van Natter
Enclosed is your invoice for High 5 Software support, products or services.
The balance on this invoice is $1,000.00
We accept multiple payment methods;* Please send $US check payment to: High 5 Software, PO Box 82525, Kenmore, WA 98028
* For Credit card or ACH/e-check payment please scan/email payment information back to, fax to 888-415-0927, or call 800-585-1696 x101
Thanks for your business!
Mark Stair
Fax:  800-415-0927
Email: marks@h5sw.comEmail templates save about half a minute per email, an hour per month, and keep me concentrated on getting all the invoices out quickly.  Upgrade your SME and take advantage of this powerful feature.

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