SME 8.0 - New Features and Functionality

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All notes fields changed from RTF to HTML
All reports are also converted including custom reports.
New editor for notes to support HTML
Automatically converts fields from RTF to HTML upon upgrade

If you login and the page flickers but doesn't log in, you should be able to minimize (pressing "Home" button on app, not the back button which may prompt you to quit) and re-open the app, and it will often load the orders in.

Profit Margin on Totals Tab
Consistent totals screen in proposals, orders, invoices
Profit Margin available in all these areas
Proposal Totals Tab:
Proposal TotalsTab.png
Orders Totals Tab:
Order TotalsTabGM.png
Invoices Totals Tab:
Invoices TotalsTabProfitMargin.png

Customer Lists and Customer History shows in Maintenance Contracts
Allow user to see customer list and history including custom fields without having to jump to the customer

Time Tracking
Added a separate table for Time Tracking that can be connected to an order and labor on the order.
Billing Status option to charge Fixed hours, scheduled hours, or actual time tracking hours.

All Pack items are always broken out as line items on orders / invoices
Checking "internal use" on the package will set the Pack Items to "print hide" on the order / invoice

Internal Use Flag
When adding items to an order, you can check the "internal use" flag and the item will be set to Print Hide

Purchase Orders
PO Receive now reversible

GL Modifications
If you have "use general ledger entries for Default Material item" checked in SQLink, then the following changes will effect you:
- Invoices deleted in SME will remove the GL entries in QuickBooks
- Modifications to cost on PO Items get sent to QuickBooks GL adjustments