Ordering Techs on Dispatch

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You can arrange the order in which your technicians display along the top of the Day Planner tab.


  1. Go to the Setup module > Users.
  2. Click Search > Search Active Users.
  3. Select a technician in the search window.
  4. Click the Technician Settings tab.
  5. Locate the Tech Rating field. Techs with the lowest number will be on the left of the Day Planner tab. Techs with the highest number will be on the right.

TechnianSettings TechRating.jpg

If you are showing subcontractors in the dispatch window, you can arrange their order as well.

  1. Go to the Inventory module > Vendors.
  2. Click Search > Search Active Vendors.
  3. Select your subcontractor.
  4. Click the SubContractor Settings tab.
  5. Locate the Tech Rating. Techs/Subs with the lowest number will be on the left of the Day Planner tab. The highest will be on the right.
