Editing SME 8.1 - Revision History

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'''Date: / 03.10.2015/ Version:'''
*Orders/Added/Batch info to the order, ID, Batch Date - New Functionality
*Invoice/Added/Create Recurring order form an invoice
*Orders/Added/Create a Recurring order from an order
*Setup/Added/Recurring Order settings as customer defaults - New Functionality
*Invoice/Added/Menu items for updating related recurring info and adding the invoice to batch print - New Functionality
*Orders/Added/Menu items for updating related recurring info and adding the invoice to batch print - New Functionality
*Proposals/Added/Menu items for updating related recurring info and adding the invoice to batch print - New Functionality
*Batch Print/Modified/Now includes Batch Date in the Batch ID dropdown
*Recurring Orders/Modified/When copying to recurring order, do not copy package breakout items.  packages change over time, so their items are not included on recurring orders
*Recurring Orders/Modified/Can now add packages
'''Date: / 03.06.2015/ Version:'''
*Batch PO/Modified/Moved change notification from the grid to the table since drop downs were not filling in correctly
*Dispatch/Fixed/Invalid function error when adding a valid tech to an order
*SQLink/Added/Date range for re-export of data
'''Date: / 03.05.2015/ Version:'''
*Purchase Order/Fixed/Do not prompt for re-export if nothing changed on PO when saving
*SQLink/Modified/For Canadian companies fill item tax info since items are used to set tax status
*Recurring Orders/Fixed/Error when deleting a subtotal from Order Items screen
'''Date: / 03.04.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Added/F10 Search for open PO's
*System/Added/Tools> Advanced> Set default font on memo fields - New functionality
*Invoice/Fixed/Adding items to an itemized invoice causing errors
'''Date: / 03.02.2015/ Version:'''
*Orders/Added/To Be emailed and To Be Printed to Details and Settings tab
'''Date: / 02.27.2015/ Version:'''
*Views/Modified/Filters always case sensitive
*SQLink/Modified/Do not export employee info from SME if Tech Time unchecked
*SQLink/Added/Resync date so user can select how far back in SME history to go
*SQLink/Modified/All open invoices will be exported, only payments tied to invoices will be exported, only PO's with received items will be exported
'''Date: / 02.25.2015/ Version:'''
*Payments/Added/Refund payment transaction info
*Payments/Added/Added payment methods for online refunds
*Payments/Added/Never allow export of refunded online payments
*SQLink/Added/Pull in tax/Non Tax if not already pulled in
*SQLink/Fixed/Bad field name on tax logic
*System/Fixed/Errors when converting custom tables from older versions
'''Date: / 02.17.2015/ Version:'''
*Batch Print/Modified/Added drop down for batch printing orders
*Batch Print/Added/Batch ID to grid batch printing orders
*Batch Print/Added/Column customization to grid
*Orders/Modified/Proposal/Order/Project triggers to only total if something changed
*Payments/Added/Refund payment logic
'''Date: / 02.16.2015/ Version:'''
*Recurring Order/Fixed/Invoice drop down not filling
*Orders/Added/Settings to maintain recurring batch order information
'''Date: / 02.14.2015/ Version:'''
*Setup/Credit Card Processing/Allow editing of settings
*System/Batch ID's/Added 'last' batch run to tables
*System/Tables/Added Is Clone if originated from a cloned record
*Recurring Order/Added/Convert as invoice and bypass order
*System/Added/setting for running batches on Recurring orders, recurring invoices, scheduled services
*Customer/Added/If the customer is inactive clear credit card info
*Orders-PO's/Added/Do not send emails until cloning is finished
*System/Added/setting for running batches on Recurring orders, recurring invoices, scheduled services
*System/Added/Auto generate recurring invoices/orders/services - New Functionality
*System/Added/Added : If the user is flagged to do the batch processes, (Preferences), check to see if the system flag has been set for batch (i.e. user flagged to do periodic maintenance, recurring settings have PM setup as 'include in batch).  If set, use the batch processing for generation.  This will be needed unless/until the site schedules jobs to do the batch processing instead.  Batches now run the generation without interrupting SME processing.
*System/Modified/Don't generate activity unless there is a record count
'''Date: / 02.10.2015/ Version:'''
*Customer/Added/Customer/Store Credit Card grid
*Setup/Added/Setup/Company/System/Enable Pay Pro flag
*Invoice/Added/Pay Online option
*Payments/Added/Pay Online option
*Orders/Fixed/Do not override Cost/Price in the item editor when selecting stock
*System/Modified/If a user is Inactive turn off the Logged In Flag
'''Date: / 02.06.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Order tax handling
'''Date: / 02.04.2015/ Version:'''
*System/DYN Export/Break out export files by month
*System/Added/Table to store Credit card info per customer
*SQLink/Modified/Added clear QB ID on PO tables
*SQLink/Fixed/Now matches existing wage item if it exists in SME
'''Date: / 02.03.2015/ Version:'''
*System/DYN Export/All exported invoices go out as 'in'
*System/Updates/Only rebuild indexes on tables with a modified structure
'''Date: / 01.30.2015/ Version:'''
*SQLink/Added/Option to stop importing vendors from QB and only export from SME to QB
*SQLink/Added/Option to clear all QB UID's and other imported QB info to allow SME to sync with a new QB Company file
*SQLink/Modified/Only use the QB UID for searching in QB for an existing item on a re-sync
*PO/Fixed/Bad field name in a PO export query
'''Date: / 01.27.2015/ Version:'''
*SQLink/Modified/Added a tech code to turn off SQLink if a customer decided to stop using QB
*System/DYN Export/Show QB ID flag
*SQLink/Modified/Export of Partner Discounts to always be a positive number
'''Date: / 01.21.2015/ Version:'''
*Purchase Orders/Fixed/Data not getting set correctly if editing after closing the PO
*Purchase Orders/Fixed/Creating multiple material detail records when : the cost had changed AND the item was not serialized AND the available quantity < the po Item quantity (which resulted in a split condition)
'''Date: / 01.16.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Added/Work Groups to the Assigned To lists for selection
*System/Added/If the Assigned To is a Work Group set all new tasks for the Work Group
*System/Added/Work Group editor added email field
*Orders/Added/Work Group query for reporting
*Orders/Added/Salesperson to Order Status table
*Orders/Added/Work Group logic on item editor
*Auto Email/Added/Check Work Group emails for Auto Outgoing emails
*Auto Email/Added/Added salesperson to Auto Outgoing emails
*Auto Email/Added/Work Group to task emails.  If work group exists and has non blank email, use that email, otherwise, use tech's/vendor's email
*Routines/Fixed/Misspelling of salesperson causing emails to stop going out
'''Date: / 01.15.2015/ Version:'''
*Purchase Orders/Modified/Items can now be imported from Excel to fill purchase orders
*System/Modified/No longer reports an error if license check fails
*System/Modified/Grid speed issues
*System/Modified/Set options on new databases
*System/Modified/Hide Web Reports Option unless Web Reports are enabled on the database
*Dispatch/Modified/Right Click menu item 'Email Ticket' now calls same form as the orders modules
*System/Added/Option to disable multi-threading on grids for Windows 8 and server 2012
'''Date: / 01.12.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Added/Menu item to toggle all print flags if some are set they will clear and the others will set
*RMA/Modified/When receiving RMA Item, if the permanent removal is not checked, always treat it as if the 'replace item' were.
*Orders/Modified/Some orders were never going to 100% invoiced due to item deletion and addition after initial invoice
*System/Conversion/Triggers not correctly set when converting from versions prior to 8.0
*System/Auto Email/Custom fields that match between modules were not getting filled in on automatically generated orders
'''Date: / 01.09.2015/ Version:'''
*Inventory/Fixed/Editor on Material Detail tab was not filling information correctly
*System/Conversion/Corrected auto run tech code
'''Date: / 01.08.2015/ Version:'''
*Orders/Fixed/Add to Company Equipment flag dropped when adding them to an order
*System/Modified/Dynamics data export
*System/Fixed/Message when logging into a database other than the default in multi database systems
'''Date: / 01.07.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Further disabling of grid sorting
*SQLink/Fixed/Tax formatting was three places
'''Date: / 01.06.2015/ Version:'''
*System/Limit license check to 2 tries before defaulting to temporary status
'''Date: / 01.05.2015/ Version:'''
*Orders/Fixed/Dataset not on edit mode
*System/Modified/Temporary disabling of grids calling multiple table queries to fill the results
*System/Added/Excel export to .xlsx extensions
*System/Fixed/Data file path for the Grid Excel export option
'''Date: / 12.18.2014/ Version:'''
*Orders/Modified/Material Editor/Location now read when the item is selected to avoid warehouse issues
*System/Modified/Class now carries from Service Items through all modules to invoices
*System/Modified/Maintenance Contract numbers now carry through in the ref# field to invoices generated from recurring invoices
*Orders/Modified/Material Editor/Changing the warehouse on an item that was using a different warehouse no longer auto transfers the stock to the newly selected location
'''Date: / 12.17.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Dynamics data export
*Orders/Fixed/Labor Editor had an infinite loop when changing billable amount. Only happened when it was not associated with a scheduled amount change
*System/Modified/Maintenance/Warranty Expiration/Now checks that minimum dates are set since if they are not SME could generate false records
'''Date: / 12.17.2014/ Version:'''
*Auto Email/Fixed/Subject line character restrictions for special characters
*System/Export/Modified Dynamics export
'''Date: / 12.16.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Update now pulls from 8.1 update FTP folders
'''Date: / 12.15.2014/ Version:'''
*Orders/Fixed/Issue with Contract Number on editor
*System/Fixed/Form Code not pulling in custom tab when form code is used
*Purchase Order/Fixed/Only reduce counts if they are greater than the received count
'''Date: / 12.12.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Fixed/Journal entries not displaying on entering the tab
'''Date: / 12.10.2014/ Version:'''
*Inventory/Fixed/PO Account ID in Link options
*SQLink/Added/Option to ignore the customer when only Billing Customers are stored in QuickBooks
'''Date: / 12.08.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Export for Dynamics
'''Date: / 12.08.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Export for Dynamics
'''Date: / 12.06.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Added/Export method for text export to MS Dynamics
'''Date: / 12.05.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/HTML text editor update to fix pasting images into SME
*System/Fixed/Conversion when database names do not match SQL conventions
*System/Modified/Error log messages
'''Date: / 12.03.2014/ Version:'''
*Inventory/Fixed/incorrect field name in vendor items query
*System/Modified/Locking of data in SQL
*System/Modified/Reduced attempts to write locked data from 10 tries to 5 in SQL
*Orders/Service Items/Fixed/Issue when writing Class Name on Recurring generation
'''Date: / 12.02.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Contacts/Filter by both Site and Billing
*Purchase Order/Fixed/Adding item to PO that was created from an order would fill in the order number
*Maintenance Contracts/Fixed/Updating maintenance contract was resetting the Recurring Invoice start date
'''Date: / 12.01.2014/ Version:'''
*Users/Fixed/Code value updates with user name changes
*Dispatch/Modified/Moved more processes to tables as opposed to temp tables
*Orders/Fixed/Grid issue when selecting multiple items from the Partial Invoice screen was causing SME to crash
*Dispatch/Modified/Assets moved from temp table to permanent table
*Dispatch/Modified/Voided orders no longer show in Dispatch
'''Date: / 11.24.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Tech Code/Runs tech code to revert all failed order conversions
*SQLink/Updated/Now updated to SME 8.1
'''Date: / 11.19.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Added/Fields and tables for dynamic export
*System/Added/Logic to fill the dynamic tables
*Packages/Fixed/Error calculating package item totals when price is generated
'''Date: / 11.18.2014/ Version:'''
*Dispatch/Fixed/Error scrolling records when no options are set on settings tab
*Orders/Fixed/Error when scrolling through combined invoices on the Service/Install tabs
*Batch PO/Fixed/Trigger not getting re-initialized when updating
*Recurring Invoices/Fixed/Error when posting Recurring Invoices.
'''Date: / 11.12.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Modified/Batch PO/Added Item Number to grid
*System/Modified/Orders/Made Require Service Code an option
*System/Modified/Order/Added Allocated warning when adding orders to combined invoices
*System/Modified/Order handling from SME Mobile was causing occasional duplicate order UID's
*System/Fixed/Error logging and record update time/out issues
*System/Fixed/Saving records under Customer Equipment was not writing info to the new table but placing them in the old table
'''Date: / 11.11.2014/ Version:'''
*Batch PO/Fixed/Edit function in grid stopped working
'''Date: / 11.7.2014/ Version:'''
*Activities/Fixed/Alarms returning way too many records after database rebuild
'''Date: / 11.6.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Fixed/Orders/History tabs not saving settings and displaying correctly
*Proposals/Fixed/Fixed rates tab not calculating
*Inventory/Fixed/Transfers not completing the last record on multiple record transfers
'''Date: / 11.4.2014/ Version:'''
*System/Add/Zone filter to Proposal/Orders/Invoices to prevent 'Cannot add to order when adding from Dispatch'
*System/Add/Use Dispatch view for lookups when adding to dispatch. In some cases you may not see a refresh if you are on service and drag a proposal to dispatch
*System/Fixed/Error when adding new records. UID was initialized in the incorrect place. Causing prompts for SLA & Class re-initialization 
*System/Modified/Tech certification check only if there are labor task records
*System/Updated/to latest component sets on all grids/dispatch controls/reporting controls/and data controls
*System/Fixed/Batch PO/Filters not functioning as planned
*System/Fixed/Error message on shutting down SME
'''Date: / 10.31.2014/ Version:'''
*Batch PO/Added/Button to only close modified PO's
*Batch PO/Added/Button for full regenerate of all PO's
*Batch PO/Modified/Fill table now only fills required PO's instead of all PO's
*Batch PO/Modified/Grid settings to improve speed
*Batch PO/Modified/Only add missing records to the grid instead of completely reloading the grid
'''Date: / 10.30.2014/ Version:'''
*Dispatch/Modified/Dispatch id's to tech, vendor, service, install, proposal, invoice
*Dispatch/Modified/Uses temp table for labor,  uses view data vs query and updates ( Now the ID's necessary for dispatch are on the tables)
*Dispatch/Modified/Tracked and fixed 'missing' field errors when adding labor from project
*Dispatch/Modified/Creates view for labor and orders
*Purchase Order Batch PO/Modified/Added button to only close GENERATED records
*Purchase Order Batch PO/Added button for FULL regenerate
*Purchase Order Bulk Import/Modified/Fill table now only generates REQUIRED records, vs all 5000 records
*Purchase Order Bulk Import/Modified/Required records defined as 'close all records that have been generated or have a defined minimum level.
*Purchase Order Batch PO/Fixed/Grid settings to speedup process
*Purchase Order Batch PO/Modified/Only 'missing' records are regenerated.

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