Field Technician

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Field Technician Role

Field technicians perform the service and install orders at the customer site. Within SME, field techs have a few roles including reviewing customer information, performing work orders assigned to you, monitoring unassigned work orders, tracking customer issues, and contributing to the help desk knowledgebase. File:Example.jpg The following are details of the different activities performed as a field tech: Reviewing Customer Information: You may need to review customer information prior to performing work orders. You probably want to look at customer equipment in the Customer module>customer lists tab. You also may need to review service history in the customer activities tab. This will help see a history of past service done for the customer. To see the customer information you can go to your assigned service order and go to the Customer Information tab within the order. Another way is to go to the customer record using search or views. Go to the Search or View section to see how to find the customer. Performing work orders: To see the work assigned to you, go to Dispatch and see the work orders under your name. If you are accessing through Web Connect, you will see all the open orders assigned to you in the Service, Install, and Invoice sections. Once you open your next work order, you will review the service requested and labor times. Then go do the work requested. When you complete the work, update the actual hours in the labor tab to properly record your actual time spent on the job. You will also fill out the work performed section. Note that this information ends up on the customer invoice, so make it professional. You can add additional information in the service requested section since this is usually used for internal operations. This section allow copy (ctrl-c) or paste (ctrl-v) if you are coping from other programs or email. You can also use crtl-u to add a time, date and login name stamp. You also add your parts used in the Materials tab and service performed in the service tab. In SME6.2 you can add, edit or delete items in the Order Items tab, this same information shows either in the Order Items tab or the respective labor, materials or service tabs. Additionally you can add note to the job in the notes section. If all the work is completed close the job by selecting Action>Close Order Good practice is to assign an activity to another person that needs to perform the next action on the job, for example you can assign an activity to accounting to invoice the order. Monitoring unassigned work: Some organizations assign work to ".Unassigned" and the next available technician will take the job. You can monitor unassigned work by looking in the Dispatch section under unassigned tech or just work on any open orders. If you take on one of the unassigned jobs, just change your name in the labor item or drag and drop from .Unassigned to your name within Dispatch. Once you have assigned yourself to the job, just follow the same steps as Performing work orders above. Tracking customer issues: Customers may be entering issue tickets from Web Connect and into Help Desk>Issues module. If this is the case, you can monitor these issues by selecting crtl-I to see all open issues. You can provide a response to the issue and close the issue if it's completed. You may also convert the issue to an order such as service order, install order, or proposal. If you are accessing the customer issues through Web Connect, you can see the customer issues when you login and then provide a response. Contributing to Help Desk: It's important that the organization keep a knowledge base of past problems and solutions. This will help you and your colleagues solve issues faster by taping into past solutions. Enter all problems and solutions that you encounter that may help others. To find past problems and solutions, select Help Desk icon and put in any search term. You will see all the help desk entries with your search term that you can review.